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Laravel vue single vendor ecommerce website


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This ecommerce is a Laravel and Vue.js based online grocery shop which will provide you fastest start of your grocery business within no time. It is a single vendor super fast website. You can use it multipurpose for any kind of online shop. Fastest Searching and filtering on frontend and also in admin panel will give u less time rendering ever


Frontend : HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Vue Js
Backend : Php Laravel Framework
Database : MySQL

Delivery Timeline : 1-2 days

Support : 6 month free

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স্বাগতম! ডোমেইন রেজিস্ট্রেশন, ট্রান্সফার, রিনিউয়াল এবং হোস্টিং সম্পর্কিত টিউটোরিয়াল দেখতে লিখুন।